Water & Snow
Middle Park is at the headwaters of the Colorado River. Water quantity and quality is highly dependent on the health and resiliency of watershed and ecosystem from which it originates; as such, what happens here has the potential to affect millions of downstream users stretching all the way to California, Mexico, and even the Front Range. Water shortages, a growing downstream population, and transmountain diversions all threaten the water resources here in Middle Park. Additionally, many wildlife species inhabit the streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and wetlands in Middle Park.
Middle Park Conservation District hopes to 1) Educate landowners on water conservation and the link between water quantity/quality and watershed resiliency; 2) Provide funding opportunities for water conservation projects; 3) Increase the habitat value of our water resources for the wildlife that inhabit and use them.
mpcd weather page
- Current NRCS Colorado Snowpack Data
- Historic Snow Reports
- Current Stream Conditions
- Flood Ready Guide
- Grand County Drought Preparedness Page
- Colorado Flood Threat Bulletin
- Parshall Flume Flow Chart
- Contact your local Water Commissioner